Thank God it’s Monday?!?!
One of the most challenging parts of the day can be finding the motivation to get out of bed and schlep through a car ride or public...

Reframing Success Through Lenses of Personal Excellence
What is “success” to you? Is it about the money you make, the notoriety you receive for the work you do, the appreciation you receive...

A Change You Can Believe In
We’ve all heard of the “change we can believe in” and some of us have had a “change of Heart” about a situation or person and of course...

Necessary Anger, Richard Sherman, and Self-Mastery
Disclaimer: Those who have read past posts know that I’m not a Seattle Seahawks fan, really could care less who is in the Super Bowl...

How Coaching Makes a Difference
The field of professional coaching has expanded along with the focus on leadership and professional development. The International Coach...

What the Pittsburgh Steelers Taught Me about Personal Responsibility
Being a Pittsburgh Steelers fan is generally an "up" experience. It is one of the best-run franchises in sports and has won more Super...

The Strongest Energy Wins
Here’s a scenario: you’re running a meeting, you have a great agenda, you’re well prepared, you know the people in the room well and...

Three Steps to a Great End of Year Review
End of year reviews are coming. Depending on perspective, this can be a time of anxiety or joy for both managers and direct reports. ...

Five Mistakes New Managers Make
Management is both art and science. Unfortunately, many managers focus on their own personality and way of managing (that’s the art) or...

What Can Really Stand In Your Way?
One of my favorite verses from the Bible can be found in the book of Joshua, chapter 1, verse 5 which reads, “Thou shalt not have any man...